Me and my husband were introduced to ACN by a former colleague and as soon as we saw the information, we felt that this is a business that we wanted to do. we've been thinking of ways to augment our income and the thought of opening a new business came up. however, we cannot agree on what type of business we wanted and the cost involve in starting your own business is really high. So when ACN was introduced to us, it fits perfectly in the puzzle.
I was a bit hesitant at first, you see, I have to pay $495 as 'franchise fee' to let me start the business and i need to get customers and representatives as well. The thing that's holding me back is the mobile phone where international calls are not included in the cap. And because I need to get 7 points to get qualified, negativity already clouded my mind on how I would be able to come up with 7 points!!!
But my husband saw the potential of ACN and urged me to sign up. So on the 3rd of January 2010, we became officially ACN reps and the roller coaster began.
btw, the 7 points needed to get qualified, it was really easy --- my own mobile phone, my 2 digital phones, and my naked dsl -- these three services have already earned me the 7 points I needed. =)
8th of January was the first time we attended the Business Opportunity Meeting held at Canada Bay and we were blown away by the information presented to us. We really got excited right then and there and vowed to really make good in this business, hardwork and all.
In the afternoon, I held my first ever Home Meeting with 4 couples in attendance. One signed up right away, the other one was still convincing his husband, while the two other couples have just signed up their own mobiles and internet with another carrier and they decided to let the opportunity pass... for now. 25% success rate in the first home meeting was not bad.
I've scheduled two more home meetings in January but the friends I showed the business to were overwhelmed by the amount of time they need to invest in the business (attending trainings every Saturday is a big issue for them because they wanted to sleep-in, or go out during the weekend!). For ACN to work one must be committed, there is no point forcing someone to join. It will be difficult on your part to motivate them and they might blame you for their failures in the future.
After 6 weeks on the business, I have only recruited one representative who haven't signed up any services yet. Am I discouraged? No, because I know somewhere out there, a person is currently looking for an opportunity and all I need to do is look for that person/s.
In two weeks time, we will be attending the International Convention at Gold Coast and this will be huge! We are excited to be in the same rooms as the people who shared our dreams and values, to hear the co-founders speak about the business, to be given words of wisdom and trained by the best of the best. I know we will go home from this event richer in knowledge and a renewed confidence and drive to do good in our business.