Monday, April 18, 2011

Electricity - this week's focus

With the coming launch of electricity in the New Zealand market, I decided that for this week and next, my focus will be marketing this product. I have been looking at the website of our energy supplier in NZ and have been contacting my warm market in the area, asking for their help to try my business and getting referrals from them too. I've been rewarded with my efforts and hopefully, this will turn into customer acquisition by May and maybe, a possible business partner too.

And speaking of electricity, I have also finsihed the webinar/ training for Energy in Canada and the US. I already have my badge for the North American market, I am just waiting to take the test (which I will do this week) to be a qualified marketer of energy in Canada (no exams to be taken for the US one). What I am currently doing is updating my prospect list to include all my friends and my friends' friends in these area so I can contact them soon.

I can't wait for the Melbourne and Adelaide markets to open as well. My plan is to visit Melbourne again this May, present the business and get referrals and acquire eletricity customers. I can't wait!!!

I am so happy that I am on track once again. Now I have to resume my presentation to continue planting the seeds...

-I'm gonna be, an SVP-

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Electricity is now offered in NZ

well, for this month, it is only offered to representatives but after the launch, it will be available to everyone. I am so so so excited for this, I wanna pack my bag and get the next flight to NZ and visit all my friends and my friend's friends,hahaha. I think, this is the momentum I need for my business to take off.

I can't wait for Melbourne and Adelaide and of course Sydney!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Regional Training Insights

I've been so slack in updating this blog of mine, after the International Conference at the Gold Coast, work caught up with me that I haven't uploaded/wrote anything related to that event. My bad, I know. This also reflected in my progress with ACN. But I am renewed now, I have to invite more people and contact my friends for referrals, that is the only way to go. Favor, help, try.

The Gold Coast event was an eye opener for me, being in the same room with people who share your visions and dreams is just so overwhelming. Meeting the co-founder speak about the company and the plans ahead really made me believe that they care for their representatives. I am so blessed to have joined this company at the right time.

Back here in Sydney, we had a Regional Event last Saturday and the learnings and insights I had was so powerful that I made a decision to start working towards my goals.

I was not too clear about my WHY when I joined ACN, all I can think of at that time is this is our ticket to early retirement. Everything changed when I spoke to my parents via videophone. My Mom told me that she wants to have an early retirement but is a bit hesitant because of the possibility of having no money that can pay off the bills. My mom had worked all her life, she is an educator who rose the ranks and now a Vice President of the University back home. She was a good provider to us (together with my Dad but he retired three years ago) and have sacrificed a lot. This is the first time she spoke about taking the early retirement. I told her that I wanted her to enjoy whatever she worked for for the last 40 odd years. I want her to get her lumpsum early retirement pay and do whatever she like --- travel, take up a hobby, go farming, etc etc. I promised her that I will do good with ACN so that I can give her the financial freedom she wants. All she was asking from me is a monthly stipend to take care of the housebills. Its a big responsibility considering we also have a mortgage here in Australia. But everything is possible, anything is possible with ACN. My WHY now became bigger and I have to take this seriously now.

During the Regional Training, SVP Eugene Piccinotti shared a very powerful talk that I want to document here so that I have something to go back to and learn as my journey to ACN continues.

The ROAD to SVP - 25 Tips to become an SVP 
  1. Get good at promoting events.
  2. Its okay to make mistakes.
  3. Be excited, ALWAYS.
  4. Dream really BIG.
  5. Set Goals.
  6. Take action everyday.
  7. Find creative solutions to problems.
  8. Stay focused on the prize.
  9. Would you rather be RIGHT or would you rather be RICH?
  10. Be passionate and always do your best.
  11. Be very positive.
  12. Step out of your comfort zone.
  13. Create your own luck. Be willing to do whatever it takes.
  14. Build relationships.
  15. Be your word.
  16. Listen.
  17. Dress for success.
  18. Inspire people with a great team spirit.
  19. Stay in Phase 1.
  20. To get momentum, focus on a specific goal with passion and intensity.
  21. Keep going, you stop, your momentum stops.
  22. Never give up on yourself.
  23. Praise not criticise.
  24. See yourself as a winner no matter what.
  25. Keep away from negative people.
Thank you Eugene for these gems. I will follow this by heart and will follow the system so I too will have success.

See you at the next event.

Monday, April 4, 2011

ACN and the Celebrity Apprentice

I envy the people who are in the US right now. Their businesses would have exploded due to ACN's video phone presence in the Celebrity Apprentice. Here in Australia, the celebrity apprentice is only shown on Foxtel and not on any free-to-air channels, so the likelihood of my friends and business prospects seeing the program is nil. If only I could fly to the US and do my business there, haaay...

For sure, the power of Internet has shifted the way we do business. Face-to-face transactions are becoming obsolete as more and more people prefer doing things online. However, I would like to build my US ACN network the traditional way --- that is, face to face in the flesh. I think the excitement, conviction and ability to influence is more pronounced when you can actually see, hear and touch the person you are talking to.

Unfortunately for me, a US vacation this year is out of the agenda as I am saving for something else. But once we have the extra money, I would definitely pack my bags and visit the Big Apple for a business and pleasure trip --- presentations, customer acquisition, sight seeing and shopping to name a few. I can't wait!!!

By the way, if you want to check out the Celebrity apprentice videos on Youtube, the links are below.
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6: